Is it too late to take a look back at 2013? It was one of the best.

I always love going back through old pictures and choosing a favorite from each month. The changes in the kids really shows the passage of time. Jan2013Febmarchapril2mayjunejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovemberdecemberI have one goal for this new year. Just one little, monstrous goal: make photo books. I don’t really know how long I will be doing this blogging thing. But I do know, that as long as there are cameras, I will be taking pictures. It’s really important to me to have hard copies of all these moments and have them organized. So I am looking into ways to do this, and I am going to attempt a really nice book of photos. Cheers to capturing the memories!

Family Photo Dump

We had a really wonderful time being with our family over the holidays. I didn’t feel like I took out my camera that much, but I still managed to make it home with over a thousand photos. Mysterious.

So here’s a photo dump of some great memories. IMG_1228 IMG_1263 IMG_1266 IMG_1310IMG_1328 IMG_1329 IMG_1335 IMG_1371 IMG_1375 IMG_1413IMG_1416 IMG_1419 IMG_1423 IMG_1427 IMG_1435 IMG_1439 IMG_1446 IMG_1472 IMG_1486 IMG_1494 IMG_1503 IMG_1521 IMG_1523 IMG_1525 IMG_1536 IMG_1540 IMG_1546 IMG_1559 IMG_1562 IMG_1563 IMG_1565 IMG_1569 IMG_1578 IMG_1582 IMG_1586 IMG_1591 IMG_1596 IMG_1601What a trip! My kids have the best cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

these winter days

IMG_1202We are having lots of low-key winter days around here, and it has been lovely. 

We have had several days of snow, which has finally convinced EBug that it is indeed winter. That’s her benchmark, so I’m glad we got some. It was the perfect snow too. The type that is beautiful but doesn’t shut everything down for days and days. I get frantic if I can’t go to Target. IMG_0878 IMG_0872 Ev has been doing lots and lots of cooking. Both real and pretend. Susu and Pops got her this cookbook last spring for her birthday, and she has loved it so much. The recipes are simple, delicious, and perfect for a 3 year old. Would be a great gift. Cooking and baking are our go-to indoor activities. IMG_0867The kids have been so great with the tree this year. They do like to play with the ornaments, but they are relatively careful, and we have only had a few casualties. IMG_1154 EBug is really into the snow and loves being out in it. Snow doesn’t suit Brother Bear and me as well. He hates the cold, and I pretty much do too. But we did brave it for a little bit to sled with our friends. IMG_1161 IMG_1177 IMG_1185Our indoor time has been surprisingly good. It’s hard to believe how good. IMG_1195 I was fretting a bit about so much time inside in our tiny little apartment with just a few toys. I am not big on having lots of toys, but sometimes in the winter I get a little panicky about not having enough. IMG_1198 Turns out, this fear is ridiculous. Never underestimate the imaginations of children. IMG_1144 EBug is constantly coming up with hilarious scenarios for her and Brother to play, such as, “pizza night,” “school park,” “babysitter” (my favorite!), “puppies,” and “zoom zoom.” I need to do a blog post detailing the specifics of these. They crack me up. 

One big development in their ability to play together is Brother’s communication. Ev has always been a good big sister, but her interest in him has grown enormously now that he can talk. He can say all the words. Rob and I can mostly understand him, but E is fluent in his language. The conversation they have. I need to record them. IMG_1226Such little loves. IMG_1212And last but certainly not least, we have been celebrating Advent. My friend, Erin, put together an amazing ornament exchange for Jesse Tree ornaments, and it has been such a joy to use them to prepare our hearts for Christmas. I have used them mostly along with the JSB, our favorite. 

Christmas music is also playing loud and strong around here. We have so many favorites. Dave Barnes’ Very Merry Christmas album is my daily choice, and the kids and I also love the Epiphany album by Pierce and Reagan-their version of Joy to the World is absolutely the best. 

Ev asked me yesterday if I would play, “Shepherds we have heard of you.” Close. 

I also wanted to record her most recent prayer. She asks to pray every night at dinner. She went through a phase when she was not interested in praying at all, and we did not push it. But now she wants to, so we encourage. Here is what’s on repeat at our dinner table:

“Dear God, we love you and we care for you. We love that we can be by your side. Amen.”

These little words are so precious, and have reminded me that at this time of year we are looking back at the first time that Jesus came to this world and looking ahead to when He will come again. I can’t wait. 

“For all the promises of God find their yes in Jesus.” 2 Cor. 1:20

Worth it

We ended our week with laundry piled all around in mountains. I don’t think we had one clean thing in the house. It had been a busy week, and life had piled up as it tends to do. So the obvious choice for our Saturday was to get caught up. Buckle down, make some lists, and get to it.

But that didn’t sound quite as fun as a jaunt up the road to the hustle and bustle of New York City! The Christmas tree at Rockefeller was calling to us. It only made sense to forgo the housekeeping and make a memory.

The only only only reason that a day trip with little people made any sense at all, because it is quite a distance, is due to our children’s looooooove of transportation. We knew riding the train would be part (maybe their favorite part) of the whole experience. So we drove up to Trenton and took a train into the city.

As we predicted, the train was a blast for them.
IMG_0892 IMG_0901 All aboard! All his dreams coming true. IMG_0908As soon as we stepped off at Penn station, things were already festive. Holly jolly right away. IMG_0926 This will come as a shock, but it was important to me that Brother Bear get a nap in while we were there. So I borrowed an ergo carrier (those things are awesome!) from a friend. Thank you, Maggie! He napped like a champ while we made our way to the children’s museum of manhattan. IMG_0939  Once at the museum he was rested and ready for some fun in the land of Dora and Boots!

Both children loved this exhibit. EBug was walking around narrating her own actions (very common these days) as if she were in an episode herself. IMG_0956 IMG_0971 Then we headed to another floor for some “skating” (slipping around in socks) on the Grinch’s pond. They were grinning and laughing the whole time. IMG_0978 IMG_0980 IMG_0997 IMG_1023 They made a point to slip and fall often. IMG_1029 We finally pulled them off the “ice” to continue our adventure through the city. IMG_1051 IMG_1057    One of my absolute favorite parts of being in the city is just walking outside taking it all in.

All types of people everywhere, Christmas trees being sold on every corner, and lots of unique spots to experience. Such as-the Treat House.


Only in nyc can places this specialized survive! Rice krispie treats. That’s all they sell. But tons of unique toppings and mixin’s that made all of our mouths water. IMG_1061IMG_1064 A little coffee to-go, and it was time to take our treats to Central Park.

As we were walking, we were really talking up Central Park to Ev. A few minutes in, I realized that she was probably picturing lots of park equipment. Uh oh. So then we started back tracking trying to explain what the park was like, because if you’ve ever been, you know the park is huge with lots of spaces and paths and bridges, and I had honestly never seen any playgrounds. IMG_1072 Now, I don’t know Central Park. No clue what is where and blah blah blah. But we entered at some random corner and lo and behold an awesome park!IMG_1076 IMG_1084 The kids had the best time at that park. I will never forget it. They would sprint over to sip their cocoa and then sprint back to run and play and slide. IMG_1087 IMG_1089 This was honestly my favorite part of the day. We were all so relaxed, filling ourselves with fresh air and happy moments. We should have just stayed at that park til time to go back home, but the tree! We had come for the tree. IMG_1095 So we loaded the kids into a taxi, they were in heaven, and headed to Rockefeller Plaza. IMG_1096 IMG_1100 IMG_1104 IMG_1117 IMG_1119 IMG_1123 There is a line between festive and chaos and it is fine!

Trying to just get over to the tree was a huge feat. I was so thankful we had not brought the stroller! The crowds! It was insane. Everyone had the same idea we did.

So after a few attempts at pictures in front of the tree our brains were screaming, “Flee!”IMG_1132 IMG_1137 So we said goodbye to the Big Apple and made our way back home.

It was a long, full day, but worth every effort. The kids snoozed on the ride home, and we enjoyed some time to chat together and listen to things of our own choosing. IMG_1139 Brother must have played with his taxi car for two hours this morning! These children will be dreamin’ about nyc for weeks.

Holiday Happiness

IMG_0634 I spent Wednesday in preparation mode-kissing my china. I missed it so much. IMG_0639 We were not able to go home this year, so we spent the day with some dear friends who are also far from family due to residency. IMG_0644 IMG_0645 EBug loved adding to our Thanksgiving tree as we anticipated the holiday and listed all that we are thankful for. Listening to what kids are grateful for is hilarious. IMG_0646 This is Brother Bear’s contribution. Kites. IDK. “You mean food? or milk? or George?”

“No. Kiiiiiites.” Ok then. IMG_0648On the day of feasting I started the day off right: a giant cup of mocha coffee in my fave mug to sustain me through a marathon of cooking. IMG_0651 Brother was somewhat interested in the parade. Didn’t last long.IMG_0653 But he did tap his toes for a few beats to the marching band. IMG_0657 He was much more interested in a little 30 degree football time with Daddy. IMG_0668 It was cold but necessary for them to go with Daddy to the park. They loved it, and I got a lot accomplished. Cooking food for people is one of my all time favorite things in this world. It’s how I show love. And it’s so gratifying to work on something and then taste success. IMG_0674 Stuffing has gone from my least favorite holiday food to favorite. I have the best recipe in this world, and I plan to make it every year for as long as life permits. IMG_0679 Pinterest has a plethora of tablescape over-the-top-ness. I prefer free. Things that I can find outside or download and print. IMG_0693 A kids coloring table is a must. Again, free printable coloring pages. IMG_0702 There’s the stuffing. I cooked a good deal more than stuffing, but it’s the show stopper. The turkey is not pictured. He was delicious but not a looker. I decided to use a slow cooking method that truly did make the meat extra tender, but not extra pretty. Can’t have it all. IMG_0703 We had such a fun night with our precious friends. We even attempted a group pic, but between the flash and the crazy faces of my children and my own vanity issues, I am not posting. Please refer to previous post to see our lovely friends and their adorable children.

Today, we kept the holiday craze going with a trip to the tree farm. Yes, tree farm. We were on our way to a regular ole lot, and then we were like, “why?”

Our decision to drive the extra miles to do it was an awesome choice. Much more of an experience and a really fun memory. IMG_0735 IMG_0738 These trees! They were all gorgeous and all different sizes. The one we picked seemed perfectly average to small in size, and we got it home and it is taking over our apt. In a good way. Bring on the Christmas. IMG_0752 You know those moments when you see the world through your child’s eyes, and it is like the wonder washes over you all over again…IMG_0759 This was not one of those days. Sometimes the world through your child’s eyes is just filled with tears. Couldn’t even tell you why. Not a tree farm guy I guess. IMG_0765 Rob really got to get in touch with his farmer boy side. Cutting down your own tree is no joke. IMG_0770 Especially when your three year old wants a piggy back ride while you are cutting it. IMG_0772 But he managed!IMG_0776 IMG_0780 And I helped a little.

Actually, no, I could not get that saw to budge an inch. Not a single inch. I don’t even know why it was so hard, but it confirmed everything that I thought was true about myself. Strong in other ways.IMG_0784 “Ev, could you please go back and ask Brother to stop crying and follow us back to the car. Thanks.”IMG_0787 IMG_0793 IMG_0797 He perked up at the sight of the saws. IMG_0802She’s gone country. Just threw that tree in the back of the pick up truck and hauled it home.

No, we are not that in touch with our southern roots. Just have a zip car membership.

The past few days have been the perfect kick off to the holiday season. As I sat and ate my delicious leftovers tonight looking at our beautiful tree, I was reminded to continue giving thanks. We have had a ton of time as a family recently, and that has allowed for such enjoyment of this time of year.

The first two years of residency I found myself struggling to come up with ways to make this time of year fun for the children and myself. I felt two steps behind in my preparation and holiday cheer. But this year! This year feels totally different. Having Rob around for dinner and weekends and holidays has brought such calm to my heart. Tidings of comfort and joy for sure.

The upside

So maybe winter won’t be so bad. IMG_0614We have some wonderful friends in Annapolis, which is so fun, because it has given us many a reason to go over there, and it is just the quaintest place in the world.

So they invited us to head down the highway for an ice skating adventure, and it was about the cutest thing to see the little people attempt it. IMG_0604Little Brother running to get his skates. The backwards hat is becoming a wardrobe staple. IMG_0611 IMG_0608 IMG_0612 IMG_0613 IMG_0618  IMG_0620  IMG_0631IMG_0630We had the best time, and I was super proud of the munchkins for attempting such a slippery sport. I was nervous myself. 

We will have to go back again this winter. ‘Make winter bearable’ is my new motto. Thanks for the soup input! My mom sent me an awesome recipe that was my great grandmother’s! Things are looking up. 

Winter looming

IMG_0339IMG_0340 IMG_0341 IMG_0353 IMG_0355 IMG_0363I am at a weird place with blogging.

I could either type about everything or nothing. I am learning lots about lots and having thoughts and ideas about life tumbling through my head constantly. But to write about all of that feels too personal or too preachy or too something. I can’t put my finger on it, but suffice it to say, it leaves my blog empty.

So I will write today from a simpler place. The dread of winter. I mean, I am freaking out about it. A time for everything, I get it, but winter! Please, no. I literally want to glue the leaves back on the trees, close my eyes, and pretend it’s not happening.

So here is a last look at fall. A perfect, late afternoon park visit. Crunching through yellow leaves and swinging without jackets. Fall, listen to me, please don’t go. I love you so much.

And now a word from EBug:

Ev-“I have a new friend…E-sen.”

Me- “You mean Ethan?”

Ev-“No, Esen.”

Me-“Where did you meet Esen?”

Ev-“He’s my friend from medical school. I went to college, and then I went to medical school. It was French.”

Me-“What was the name of the school?”

Ev-“It was fancy.”

So there you have it, and p.s. please send soup recipes. It’s the only thing getting me through.

Ready to turn 30

For lots of reasons, I have welcomed 30 with open arms. 

It probably has much to do with the fact that most everyone I know here is older than me. It seems totally normal and cool to be in your 30s. In fact, I know some pretty wonderful people in their 70s, so I have no dread of a number. Do I dread my body falling apart and failing me, yes. A few episodes of restless leg were enough to make me loathe the idea of my body going awry. But a simple number signifying my time on this earth is no problem. 

I am more myself now than I have ever felt and hope to continue to grow into myself. That can only come from years with the Lord, so bring it. 

I also felt totally celebrated by my family and friends, and my husband completely outdid himself. 

I am definitely a birthday diva. (I hope I have many birthdays left to mature in this area). But I may have mentioned to Rob that I wanted more than a dinner date to celebrate my 30th. I really wanted to do something out of the ordinary, and he certainly delivered. Beyond beyond beyond. 

He planned an amazing birthday weekend for us in Boston and did not spare a penny! Sometimes the pennies aren’t there, and that’s ok. But sometimes the pennies are there and your husband showers them on you, and it feels extravagant and oozes special and makes for the best 30th I could have ever dreamed up. 

My mom and Frank popped up to keep the kids, who were thrilled with that plan, and Rob and I flew off to enjoy the weekend. 

The things I would like to remember are the food-out of this world, the segway tour-such an adventure, and the last of fall and all its beauty-perfect weather!IMG_0372 IMG_0376 IMG_0389 IMG_0392 IMG_0395 IMG_0415 DSC_0002 DSC_0010 DSC_0015 DSC_0055 DSC_0066 IMG_0435 IMG_0442 IMG_0455 IMG_0458      IMG_0472 IMG_0464IMG_0465IMG_0466IMG_0467IMG_0468IMG_0477 IMG_0488  IMG_0503 IMG_0527IMG_0515 IMG_0497Boston is one of the coolest cities I have ever been to. It is incredibly clean and historic and charming and awesome. I saw only one homeless person. So they are doing something right. 

It was a huge treat to have that time with Rob to dine and relax and sight see. I probably could have read my book the whole time and been happy, but I am so glad he took me to such a fun spot with so much to see and do and eat. 

‘Hood hopping in our ‘stumes

IMG_0204 Halloween is fun. I can take the good and leave the bad, I just can. Kids, candy, and ‘stumes, such a delightful combination.IMG_0207 IMG_0211 My little EBug really wanted to be a cupcake this year. And that seemed fitting, because she loves them. So I pinned some ideas and thought about being crafty, and then life happened, and I found myself with a couple days until Halloween and nothing to show for it.

So we high-tailed it to my favorite consignment store, and I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to convince Ev to choose from whatever the store had left.

Lo and behold this store has endeared itself to me forever. There, waiting for us, was a pottery barn cupcake costume just her size. I gave thanks for that little provision.

Then, of course, Brother wanted to be a cupcake too. Has to be just like Ev.

It took some convincing, but I was able to talk him into being a puppy, and truly he is obsessed with dogs, so it totally fits.

My friend loaned us this perfect little puppy costume. IMG_0215 IMG_0218 I had to refrain from smothering that little pup with kisses all night long. IMG_0221 We took a few pics and made a few friends in our own neighborhood before heading out to trick our treat in a neighborhood with a bit more action. IMG_0229This little superman wanted our kids to have candy from his bag. Such a sweetie. His mom said that he is always wanting to give away their money. Melt me.  IMG_0234 Next, we met up with our sweet friends to all trick-or-treat together. Look at tiny tin man!IMG_0241 IMG_0263 IMG_0267 IMG_0275 IMG_0276 IMG_0278 This neighborhood did not disappoint. IMG_0284 IMG_0286 Lifestyles of the rich and famous. IMG_0290 Perfect fall night. IMG_0292 Kermit and Cupcake. BFF. IMG_0305My little pup pup. We had to do some serious explaining about filling your bag with candy now to eat later. But he eventually caught on and had a blast.   IMG_0313 IMG_0315 IMG_0318 One house gave out small toys. Such a great idea!IMG_0323Such a fun night! Until next year…

the artist in all of us

I grew up as sporty spice. “Soccer is Life” is definitely a t-shirt that I wore and loved, and I lived into this identity for years. Even convinced my husband, in the dating times, that I was outdoors-y. But I would never have claimed “artsy” as a quality I had. I’ve always loved to write, but creating art was never really a thing I did. And when I did do it, for a required art class, it was certifiably terrible. I wish I had the proof to post here. Alas, to the trash it went.

But as I have aged and changed, I notice my love for art is growing.

I first started to realize my need when EBug was a newborn. My routine was totally devoid of creative expression, and I felt my brain turning to mush. I needed art. I think that we all do.

I think it can take many forms from an interest in fashion to planning lessons for preschoolers. But whatever form it takes, it enriches life, and I think that children may know this better than any of us.

EBug is at a stage where her imagination is exploding. Her cup runneth over with words and ideas and creativity, and it is one of the neatest things I have experienced as a mom to watch this unfold and to foster it in any small way.

So we now spend a little time each day doing something art-y. IMG_9629 IMG_9630IMG_0102These types of activities are always a hit, but I think E’s interest in such things presented big time yesterday, when she begged me to take her to an art museum. Begged. IMG_0113 IMG_0117Of course, a puppet came with us. IMG_0139 IMG_0142 IMG_0146 IMG_0147Abstract art is so kid friendly. We are going to use some of these pieces as inspiration.

But the very very best part-was the sculpture garden. So fun!IMG_0160 IMG_0164 IMG_0171 IMG_0177 IMG_0180 IMG_0188 IMG_0195 IMG_0197I am proud of my little artist and am glad I get a front row seat to watch her bloom.