When your boat feels a little small

Each night we read to EBug from the The Jesus Storybook Bible. The stories are told in an incredibly poignant way, and I tear up almost every time I read it. You should probably get this book and read it daily. Even if you don’t have kids.

Ev has been requesting the story of when Jesus calms the storm alot recently.There is a line in it that has been running through my mind, “They had forgotten that, if Jesus was with them, then they had nothing to be afraid of. No matter how small their boat-or how big the storm.”

We have a “small boat” situation around here.

It all started (or sort of started) with a text from Rob a few nights ago that said:

“Something weird happened to me last night. Really weird.”

He then sent me pictures of his facial paralysis. Crazy.

He initially thought it was random Bells Palsy. But the attending he was working with thought it best for him to get it all checked out. So after his 35 hour shift (you read that right) I met him at the ER to get some blood work done.

Why he even finished his shift is beyond crazy to me. When I saw his face my eyes got a little watery. He was definitely not ok.

(This picture above is the functional side of his face.)

So we finished up the exams and testing and went home to wait on the results and let the doctor/patient get some much needed sleep.

My wonderful bsf leader and her husband had come to keep the kids, so that I could go up and be with Rob. It is a strange feeling to have an emergency and have no family to quickly call to come over and help. I am so thankful for her willingness to come at a moment’s notice and help me. She is such a dear friend and support to us here!

So the results are back. Lyme Disease. There are not many areas of the country that this disease shows up, but our new, northern home is one of them! We also live in a very woodsy, ticky area. Picked a tick off of my 7 month old a few weeks ago. Yuck. Now that I know Lyme disease is lurking out there, my children may never go outside again.

Looking back over the last month there have been weird symptoms that we now know were the Lyme. Weird bite marking on his leg about a month ago (although he never saw the tick), flu like symptoms following the strange bite, head aches, fatigue, muscle aches, and then the facial stuff. We are thankful that the facial paralysis presented so that he would know to get the blood work immediately!

In residency, life is insane. You feel completely maxed out just about every day. Both of us. Rob at work, me on the home front. Maxed.Out. So at this point we just feel like one more thing to juggle is just too much. How will we find the emotional and physical resources to tackle this?

And then I’m reminded: No matter how big the storm or how small the boat. Jesus is with us in the storm. He is outside of the storm, bigger and more powerful than the storm, but also inside the storm. With us. In our tiny, little boat.

We hope you will join us in praying for a speedy, full recovery. The symptoms of this disease are no fun. The treatment should begin to take effect in a few weeks. If you don’t know much about Lyme disease, it’s certainly not a life or death situation. It is a very treatable diagnosis. Just a bump in the road and definitely inconvenient handicaps for Rob.

My mom arrived today to help us get back on our feet a little bit. She is a wonderful encouragement to us and a major help with the kiddos. EBug is already in love with having her here. Constantly addressing her: “Susu, can we read a book? Susu, I need to potty. Susu, can we play with the dolls?”

She will be here for most of the week, and then Rob’s parents come to visit next week! I am so thankful that we have a steady stream of support and loving family members near and far. Morale was getting a little low.

Rob is anxious to get back to work and practically has to be strapped down and forced to rest. Why is it that doctors have a hard time taking care of their own health?!

He is starting his at home treatment today giving himself antibiotics through a picc line. I am so thankful for modern medicine! With it, this should clear up soon.

Here’s a little video of the sicky rat.  

5 thoughts on “When your boat feels a little small

  1. I will be praying for you! Doctors are THE WORST patients so I will pray for the doctor/patient and his patience as he heals. So glad you have family help Allison- will also pray for good rest for you and endurance as you all go through these bumpy waters in your small boat. Love to you all!!!

  2. Oh my. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve hit this bump in the road!! Thank goodness your small boat is filling up quickly with loving family to help raise the morale!! Know that we are praying for y’all and for the meds to kick in and provide relief soon. Holding you up with lots of love and prayers!! Debra & Family

  3. Drinking straws will come in very handy while 7th nerve is not doing its job. Hope you are blinking, smiling, puffing, and whistling better soon. Love and crooked kisses, mom

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